You can publish whatever you want in the Offcanvas Section. It can be any module or particle.
By default, the available module positions are offcanvas-a and offcanvas-b but you can add as many module positions as you want from the Layout Manager.
You can also add the hidden-phone module class suffix to your modules so they do not appear in the Offcanvas Section when the site is loaded on a mobile device.
Ev. Kirche Hornberg
Pfarrer Thomas Krenz
Am Kirchplatz 1 - 78132 Hornberg
+49 (0) 7833 388
Pfarramt - Öffnungszeiten
Mo, Di und Fr von 09:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Mittwoch von 11:00 bis 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstag von 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Ev. Kirche in Hornberg
Gottesdienst mit Pfarrer Thomas Krenz, Konfirmandenvorstellung